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Ayurveda and Jyotish

Santa Cruz Ayurveda

The purpose of the Vedic sciences is to promote Self-realization. Known as sister sciences, Ayurveda and Jyotish (Vedic astrology) have been studied as parallel practices since their conception. Ayurveda translates into “knowledge of life,” and Jyotish into “science of light.” Ayurveda promotes harmonization of your mind/body constitution to activate your optimal vitality. Jyotish is the science of time, the unfolding of karma, and reveals a map of tendencies, timing, and habits. As time pervades everything, even your natal chart is in motion. Not every planetary aspect unfolds at once, as a newborn baby has the same natal chart as they will as a 68 year old. To study your unique constitution, we can look first to the planetary influences present at birth, and then turn to Ayurveda for the regimens, practices, and diets relevant to bring balance and ease into your incarnated experience.

The elements of Air, Earth, Water, Fire, and Ether are echoed in the qualities of Grahas, or planets, as well as the zodiacal signs they rule. With this in mind, we can look to your birth chart to indicate the elemental qualities of each domain of your life. Speaking on basic physical well-being, we can look to your Lagna (ascendant) lord, as well as any planet sitting in the 1st house. For example, if your Lagna is Aquarius, an air sign, then your Lagna lord is Saturn, also an airy planet. We would then look to where Saturn is posited, and if for instance Saturn is in your 5th house (of cures and absence of sickness), which would be Gemini, an air sign, ruled by Mercury, an earthy planet, then a Vata/Kapha constitution can be gathered. The moon would be the ruler or your 6th house of disease; so temporary Pittic/Kapphic disturbances would be likely. Issues with mental health, anemia, low body fluids, low body weight, dry skin, constipation, weak lungs, and weak kidneys are likely. This is, however, disregarding the complexities of a full chart reading, and zooming in on these few aspects to serve as examples.

“Understanding Ayurveda and Jyotish together can help us take responsibility for ourselves, let go of useless tendencies and avoid settling into a rut of painful experiences. The Yoga Sutras remind us that “pain that is not yet manifested is to be avoided,” 


Image from Jill Luchessi


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