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Santa Cruz Ayurveda

Ghee: The Healing Elixir

Ghee has been highly regarded in India for ages for its abundance of benefits and uses. Ghee can be truly healing to the body!

What is Ghee?

Ghee is clarified butter, which means it is the rendered fat from organic, unsalted, cultured butter. By cooking the butter over medium heat, the milk solids and impurities are removed and therefore safe to take for those who are lactose or casein intolerant.

Ghee’s qualities (heavy, slow, oily, liquid, dense, soft) give longevity to the body by pacifying the opposite (light, rough, and dry) qualities of Vata dosha, which are responsible for the aging process. Smooth and nurturing, ghee lubricates the tissues of the body. The heavy quality of ghee pacifies Pitta and Vata, and is acceptable in moderation for Kapha.

Healing Properties of Ghee

Ghee has a unique and specific action, prabhava, for which it is highly revered: the ability to increase digestive fire – agni– on which all nutrition depends and does so without aggravating Pitta, the fire element of the body. Second, Ghee is the only substance that takes on the properties of the herbs and spices it is processed with without losing its own qualities, which is why it is considered the ultimate elixir in Ayurveda.

Butyric Acid and Benefits

Ghee has a high content of butyric acid, a short chain fatty acid that supports the health and healing of cells in the large and small intestines. Helpful bacteria in our colon convert dietary fiber and carbohydrates into butyric acid. When this bodily system is compromised, digestive issues arise. Research has shown that people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, and other digestive issues benefit from ingestion of butyric acid.

Other benefits of Ghee include…

  1. Improves absorption, assimilation, and excretion

  2. Nourishes ojas (the most refined element of digestion)

  3. Builds up the internal liquids of the body

  4. Lubricates connective tissue

  5. Improves memory and intelligence

  6. Improves skin luster and moisture

  7. Increases flexibility

  8. Ghee is a “yogavahi”: it carries the medicinal property of herbs to all seven tissues (dhatus) of the body

  9. Strengthens vision

Ghee is perfect for cooking as it does not burn unless heated excessively, and will not breakdown into carcinogenic free radicals like other oils. This means it is one of the safest oils to cook with!

Ghee can be used in many ways! It can be a great way to take herbs. It can be used to cleanse the body. It can also be used to make a delicious and healing bowl of Kitcahri even more tasty! How do you have your ghee?


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